Part 1- Assessing contaminated sites, [pdf] Part 2- Remediation of contaminated sites, [pdf] SOPs, [pdf]
OHIS FS GW final draft – Deconta [pdf] OHIS FS constr materials draft final – Dekonta [pdf] Annexes [pdf] Macedonia OHIS URA report final 2009 [pdf] Update OHIS FS dumps finall [pdf] Update OHIS FS HCH dumps Annexes [pdf]
OHIS Site Remediation Project – Conceptual Design [pdf | 7.5 Mb] OHIS Site Remediation Project – Presentation of the Conceptual Design & Remedial Options – Drawings [pdf | 6.9 Mb]
UNIDO Final Investigation Report OHIS rev.2 [pdf] Appendix A: HSE Plan Sops [9 MB, zip] (Content: “Emergency Response Plan OHIS”, “HSE Plan OHIS” and “SOPs & RAs”) Appendix B: Laboratory Protocols [31 MB, zip] (Content: “SGS analysis certificate”, “COA Standard” and other data.) Appendix C: Measured Field Data [0.5 MB, zip] (Content: “Measured Field Data OHIS v.3”) Appendix D: […]