In order to address the long-standing problem of HCH waste (lindane and its isomers) historically deposited at the OHIS plant site, the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning through its Project Unit for Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) is in the process of implementing the project “Removal of Technical and Economic Barriers to Initiating the Clean-up […]
A growing body of scientific evidence indicates that exposure to very low doses of certain POPs – which are among the most toxic substances ever created – can lead to cancer, damage to the central and peripheral nervous systems, diseases of the immune system, reproductive disorders, and interference with normal infant and child development. Another […]
OHIS FS GW final draft – Deconta [pdf] OHIS FS constr materials draft final – Dekonta [pdf] Annexes [pdf] Macedonia OHIS URA report final 2009 [pdf] Update OHIS FS dumps finall [pdf] Update OHIS FS HCH dumps Annexes [pdf]
OHIS Site Remediation Project – Conceptual Design [pdf | 7.5 Mb] OHIS Site Remediation Project – Presentation of the Conceptual Design & Remedial Options – Drawings [pdf | 6.9 Mb]
CARDS 2006 FEASIBILITY STUDY – Volume I – OHIS Plant [pdf]